Sunday, February 13, 2011

If the shoe fits, wear it!

I bet if you didn't see Kevin's legs, you'd have no idea what these even were.

I'd definitely say that these slippers are done.


  1. I am cracking up over here. Layne's slippers are SHAMEFUL - they are from when he was in high school!!! Guess what he's getting for Valentine's tomorrow? :) I think Kev deserves some new ones too - yikes!

  2. wow those have gotten worse from when i saw them a month ago! also commentingc so you can find my blog! love you girl.

  3. Just wrap them with some duck tape and they're good for another 10 years :)

  4. This is totally unrelated, but I found your blog and now I vow to be an avid follower in a non-stalkerish way! :) But I'd say those slippers are done as well! :)

  5. D.I. Them. I'm positive someone would take them hahaha. - Trent -
