Monday, August 31, 2009

It's a deal!

So, I'm really enjoying our chores and how we divided them. I cook and will do everything else as long as I don't have to do two things: throw the trash and clean the dishes. I love cooking and baking, however, the clean up is no fun for me. Dry hands, stinky trash, and leftover food smashed on plates. Yuck! Me and the dishwasher are best-est friends. Now, don't get me wrong... I do occasionally "suck it up" and help but most of the time I really do not want to do it. Thank goodness Kevin is such a cooperative husband!


  1. Bradley boys come very well trained. :)

  2. Just be careful. That is how Josh and I started off with the division of labor, but now I am doing dishes - with no dishwasher! (of course he now does the litter box)

  3. I'd clean the dishes if you cooked for me too, Emily. :) I'm glad you guys are settling into marriage so well! I can't wait to see you guys this weekend . . . oh, and Chris bought me my very own copy of "Dr. Horrible" on dvd! (Yeah, I'm so bringing it!) lol!

  4. Sounds like a great deal to me! Only I'd want the dishes part, you know I'm not a cook :)
