This past weekend we had our annual camping trip in the Tetons with Kev's family. It is always wonderful when you get out the car and smell that mountain air and then shortly after get attacked by horseflies and mosquitoes. When we first arrived Friday, we scoped out a spot for the tent and were ready to set up. To our surprise, there was no tent packed! Our nephew was getting baptized Saturday morning so it actually worked out well. Everyone that stayed and camped had to wake up around 6 and 7am to drive in town and shower to be there on time. We however got to sleep in our comfy bed, clean and bug repellent free! Friday we hiked a shorter trail with the kids and then a few of us hiked the Tin Cup Trail. When we arrived at the top we found snow. I wish it was all gone. I am dreading the winter months, already!
We were so glad we got to go again this year and visit with everyone. We look forward to next year with you guys!

The kids we so excited to hike until about 10 minutes into it. The trail was very steep and ended up being a dead end!

The tin cup Trail. Thanks for being patient with me you guys! Notice the snow in the back. The guys had a snow ball fight a few yards past this point.

After Trevor's baptism.

Our new pillow cases from Aunt Mel. Thank you! We LOVE them!