Fall is almost gone and I am just realizing that I haven't blogged much about it so here are a few things we've been up to the past few weeks. Sorry I'm such a slacker!
Right before school began we went on a hike with some friends to the wind caves. They are right around where we camp for the Annual Bradley family reunion but this past reunion we didn't get there early enough in the day to go, which I think is completely fine now that I know what the hike is like. Call me lazy and completely out of shape but it was a continuous incline for like an hour! Then I felt even more like a sissy cause there are little kids hiking it and I'm feeling like I'm gonna die. Here is a picture of us at the top, where it was freezing.
A few weeks later we had opportunity to go to General Conference. Thanks so much Father-in-law!
The days have been so nice here. Perfect fall weather! We were told there was a chance of snow this week so we thought we should enjoy fall while it was still here. What better way to do that than carve pumpkins? And what is the best part of fall? Football, duh!